We continuously work to make landmax.pro increasingly better for our users. We add features big and small, improving all areas of the software with particular attention to detail. But we don't stop there – instead, we aim to improve our users' experience even outside of landmax.pro.

One of these 'outside-the-box' features is our new landmax.pro chrome launcher that allows our users to get straight to business with a dedicated Google Chrome application.

landmax.pro chrome launcher

The Chrome launcher will open your landmax.pro account in a single click via a very useful button installed on your Chrome browser toolbar.

Simply open your Chrome browser and click on this link to install the extension.

For those who do not use Google Chrome, we also have a universal login page, allowing you to log in to your dedicated URL with your agency ID.

With features to help you run all areas of your business better and efficiently, landmax.pro aims to be the best property management solution for letting and estate agents.